A man was going through an old village on one sunny morning. His heart was dancing in joy by looking at the landscape and the greenery of that area. He was already accustomed to the pine and cedar trees which are hundreds of feet in height. The pine and the cedar trees of that village baffled him. They seemed to be four hundred years old but their height was just one foot in length. After inquiring about this strange phenomenon, he came to know that the man who was taking care of these trees won't touch their leaves and branches but cut their roots as they grow. Since the roots won't go deep inside the earth. Therefore, their heights were just one foot in length. The law of the trees states that to touch the heights of the snow-peaked mountains, they have to go deep inside the earth. The same law holds true for humans also. Go deep inside yourself to attain the heights of a higher level of awareness.
How does one go deep within himself?
Those who only see the outer will only see the chaos in their life. Those who penetrate deep inside, who are courageous enough to look at the invisible life energy permeating in all living beings will attain bliss, peace, and silence in their life. The rule is the one who is incapable of fathoming his depth will not be able to reach the heights of the snow-peaked mountains. Let's understand it through an analogy of an ocean.
Have you ever seen the ocean?
You have never seen the ocean. You have only seen the waves. Eyes have given you only an outer view of the ocean which is full of waves. You haven't seen the depth of the ocean which is full of calmness.
What lessons can we learn from the waves?
If waves have eyes, it is possible that the waves can have eyes because we too are waves in the infinite ocean of the divine. When any wave looks at the other waves then it seems to her that other waves are quite different from her. She inferred this from the fact that if both of them are the same then if other waves are rising then she also has to rise along with them and if they are falling then she also has to fall with them. Since this is not happening she assumes that she is different from them.
She developed enmity towards other waves because they were trying to annihilate her. She was in fierce competition with them which makes her miserable. As the wave looks around herself, she will never be able to see the ocean. She will only be able to see the surface which is full of alien waves. The moment she turned her eyes within herself. She came to know that she is a part of an infinite ocean. In fact, other waves are also part of the same ocean. All of them can't exist without the ocean. She laughs at her own absurdity. Now everything seems to be divine to her. The other waves are also part of herself. There won't be any hatred towards them because they are an extension of herself.
We are also like waves and impersonal(Divine Soul) is an ocean within ourselves. The root cause of the misery is we are not yet rooted within ourselves. We are living at the periphery and the center is yet to be found. Bliss, silence, and peace is the outcome when we reached our inner center. All living beings seem to be part of ourselves because the same divine soul resides in them. It becomes impossible to hurt others. Everything becomes sacred and divine. Once you experience the joy of oneness then your eyes become compassionate towards others, ears become tolerant, and you start speaking the language of the divine.
Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware of your infinite nature. Amit Ray
Life is full of music. We can learn some valuable lessons from music. The waves and ocean are similar to that of notes and music. Waves can't exist without an ocean, notes can't exist without music. Likewise, humans can't exist without the divine soul. Waves and notes are limited but Ocean and the music are infinite. Likewise, humans are limited, they have boundaries but the divine soul present in them is infinite. The soul(Life Energy) is the invisible that is holding everything together, connecting it but can't be seen. A visible thing can easily fade away but the invisible can never be faded away. There is no way it can.
Everything that is visible is linked to the invisible. You and I are separate but this is an illusion. Pay attention to the invisible that connects me and you. To experience that invisibility is to experience the music of life. The problem is we have not yet developed the sensitivity to listen to the music of life. We are so focused on notes and missed the divine part that is connecting the two notes. Pay attention to the invisible or soundless that is connecting the notes. Music, ocean, and soul are vast and infinite. Our senses are limited and limited can't comprehend the unlimited. To perceive the infinite, go beyond the world of senses.
Silence is the language of the divine. Why is it so?
The collision of the two objects produces sound. It can only be heard by the impact of two entities. When you become completely integrated inside then inner clamor disappears. When you experience oneness and become one with the divine soul. The world of duality disappears. Everything is connected with each other. You will see the same divine life energy in everybody. A feeling of oneness. The entire world becomes unity and the sound can't be produced by a single object. Silence, peace, and blissfulness descend over you when you experience the oneness.
It is only in alert silence that truth can be. Jiddu Krishnamurti
You will experience the state of deathlessness by merging with the divine energy. How is it possible?
Life can only be lived when you are fearless about death. When the wave turns her eyes inwards, she came in direct contact with an infinite ocean. She has experienced the deathless. Now she knows when she will die then she will take refuge in the ocean. She has tasted the nectar of immortality. She will definitely die as a wave but as an ocean she is immortal. Likewise, when a man dies, he will leave his body like a wave but after that, he will take refuge in the divine soul. Now no one can kill him. In fact, he was never born and he will never die. He is immortal.
A meditation technique on the music of life.
Store in your memory the melody you hear.
Only fragments of the great song come to your ears while yet you are but man.
But if you listen to it,
remember it faithfully,
so that none which has reached you is lost,
and endeavor to learn from it the meaning of the mystery which surrounds you.
In time you will need no teacher.
For as the individual has a voice,
so has that in which the individual exists. A Voice of Silence
Store in your memory the melody you hear...
There are certainly some events that have happened in your life like the loving look of loved ones, the sweet voice of birds on a beautiful morning, etc. that make you silent, peaceful, and blissful. Store those moments in your memory and meditate over them. The problem is we meditate over the moment of suffering. When someone abuses us we repeat it fifty times in our heads as if the event has happened the fifty times with us. Man dwells on his suffering because he craves sympathy and love from someone.
Life within you grows when attention is paid to you. When no attention is paid then the flower of life withers away. Attention is the root cause for the longing for love. When someone gives you attention when someone looks at you with a loving and smiling face you grow. Don't crave attention by dwelling on the miseries because it makes you even more miserable. Don't attract attention by making someone else miserable because then you will go on becoming more miserable than you were before. Others are simply an extension of yourself.
When we are happy we don't share our joy with others. We make others miserable by sharing our misery. Don't suppress your misery but express it in solitude. Lock yourself inside the room and cry as much as possible. Throw your anger in the limitless sky but never throw it on others. Make a simple rule in your life: Never discuss your unhappiness with others. When you are with someone let the bubble of happy memories within you come over the surface. Share your happiness with others. It reduces the suffering of other people. The more you live in happiness, the more your happiness will increase.
Only fragments of the great song come to your ears while yet you are but man.
But if you listen to it,
remember it faithfully,
so that none which has reached you is lost,
and endeavor to learn from it the meaning of the mystery which surrounds you.
Whenever you become silent ad peaceful, create a space within your heart and store those moments there. Relive those moments over and over. Now, we have piled so much rubbish within our hearts that we are only reliving the miserable moments which make us even more miserable. As you start reliving those peaceful moments you will start attracting more and more peaceful and blissful moments.
Laws of life will be completely reversed in the spiritual domain. In ordinary life, opposite attracts but in spiritual life like attracts like. By and by your heart is filled with blissful moments and all the piled-up rubbish will be thrown away. You become the living embodiment of blissfulness.
In time you will need no teacher.
For as the individual has the voice,
so has that in which the individual exists.
When you have reached the ultimate source(become one with the soul). You don't need an external teacher. Your soul becomes a guide for you to navigate the uncharted territory of life.
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Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash